Samsung partners with SickKids for Ryan Reynolds' 'Festive Sweater Fundraising Campaign'
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 9:04AM
Nicole Batac in News, Press release, Public service, Ryan Reynolds, Samsung, Samsung Canada, SickKids, The Hospital for Sick Children


Samsung Canada is partnering with The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) to support a new collaboration between Ryan Reynolds and SickKids. The Vancouver-born actor uses his viral "ugly/not ugly holiday sweater" for a good cause. 

He recently inspired a "sweater lighting event" that resulted in a giant 20-foot replica of his sweater on the front of the hospital at 555 University Avenue in Toronto to bring cheer to the patients and their families and help raise funds for SickKids. 

The Festive Sweater Fundraising Campaign will raise money for the SickKids Foundation, and it will run until midnight on December 24. Samsung will match individual donations up to $100,000. If you want to donate to SickKids, please visit

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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