Entries in developer (2)


12,000 limited edition red BlackBerry Z10's going to developers

BlackBerry is giving its loyal developers some love with limited edition BlackBerry Z10's in red. The company is gifting 12,000 of its devs with the rare, red smartphone when they submit their BlackBerry 10 apps before February 28th. They will also need to turn-in their Dev Alpha devices to get the red Z10's.

Sourcer: BlackBerry via LinkedIn



SourceCode Dev: Intelliware's Recipe for Success in Mobile Apps

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Toronto-based developers Intelliware Mobile Solutions have attained success developing useful applications for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and BlackBerry PlayBook. We talked to them about their recent recipe apps developed for President's Choice using Adobe's tools as well as some of the challenges and solutions they've encountered along the way.

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