Entries in Exclusive (7)


Special Report: The design story behind the Moto 360

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Chicago: Motorola is no stranger to the wearables market. It actually pioneered the health tracker segment a few years ago with their MOTOACTV  device, which focused mostly on music playback, health and exercise. When the company decided to create a smart watch ( a term their designers seem to dislike), they went back to the drawing board and looked into what a traditional timepiece had to offer. 

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Netflix to run final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars in US and Canada

Powerful, Netflix is. Strong it is, with the Lucasfilm force, hrmnn!

The final season of the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars (The Lost Missions) will premiere exclusively on Netflix in the US and Canada on March 7th. This is the 6th and last season of the show that takes place between the event of  Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Episode II: Revenge of the Sith. The series develops and explores the lore and characters of the Star Wars expanded universe as well as sells a boatload of toys, video games and knick knacks.


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Review: Sony Xperia Z

Text, video and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Sony’s Xperia Z is one of the most progressive and feature-packed Android smartphones in the market today and it is also one of the most desirable Sony has ever produced.

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