BlackBerry's 'Venice' Android slider appears in more leaked photos
Monday, August 31, 2015 at 12:41PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Android apps, Apps & Launches, BlackBerry, BlackBerry, Breaking news, Buyers Guide, Slider, Venice

BlackBerry's upcoming 'Venice' Android device, which reanimates the slider form factor that died with the Torch 9860 back in 2011, has once more appeared in a series of photo leaks. We can see the size of the display as well as the particular slide-out keyboard for this device which is rumoured to be an AT&T exclusive. 

Looking at the screen, it is weird to see a BlackBerry device devoid of any BlackBerry apps, WhatsApp is even prominently displayed instead of BBM (the horror!). The 'Venice' seems to be an intriguing device, it's one of the few (or only) Android sliders we've seen and it seems to take a lot of the design mojo from the BlacKBerry Passport and Classic. Check out the rest of the photos at


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