
Apple Watch goes to Fashion Week in Paris chaperoned by Ive and Newson

It's clear that Apple Watch is as much a wearable gadget as it is a fashion object and while Apple's treasured watch isn't slated for release until early 2015, Jony Ive and his bestie Marc Newson were on hand to chaperone their newest creation in and around the high-glitz events of the fashion capital. The more expensive variants of the Apple Watch are expected to cost a premium price and will likely be made available in high-end botiques and ateliers catering to fashion-forward buyers, so it makes good sense for Apple to send it's most articulate experts on Apple Watch to represent it to a prospective new market.


Black Moto X available tomorrow, Bamboo model and Moto 360 coming to TELUS on October 31

The new Moto X will be available in black exclusively to TELUS starting tomorrow for for $100 with a two-year SharePlus plan or $600 outright. This stunning new flagship smartphone brings a whole lot of updates and features. Read our review here.

Thos looking for the Moto X in bamboo finish as well as the Moto 360 smart watch, those objects of desire will be available at TELUS on October 31. Check out their product page for more info.


iPhone 6 coming to China on October 17th, preorders begin Oct. 10

Apple's most successful iPhones are heading to their potentially biggest market in China on October 17th as regulatory approvals have been granted for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus sell in the country where they are made. Demand for Apple products in China has been huge as evidenced by the number of people camping out on iPhone lines to buy unlocked devices for grey market resellers who sent the phones back to the country where they were manufactured to sell for up to three times their purchase price. 

Apple has confirmed Chinese iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus preorders start on Oct. 10, with in-store availability to follow on Oct. 17. Long lines are expected.

Source: AppleInsider


Spotify now officially available in Canada, 20 million songs at your fingertips

Long awaited music streaming service Spotify is now officially available in Canada and accessible through mobile devices and the web. Boasting a 20 million song library on demand and various curated radio stations and seamless listening experience. Hit jump for all the details and the official release.

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