Entries in Android Auto (33)


Android Auto now gives you access to your contact list

Google is bringing in more features to its Android Auto platform. The newest one is being able to access your entire contact list right from the in-car system. Before you’d need to use Google Assistant to get someone from your contact list or it’ll show you your starred contacts, recent calls, or let you dial a number. Now, you just need to head to the phone tab within Android Auto. Tap on the hamburger menu icon and select Contacts. If you’re not in motion, your access to the contact list is unrestricted. But if you’re driving you’ll only be able to tap down the list a few times. That said, this is a reminder to limit the amount of distractions you have when driving.

Source: 9to5Google


Android Auto can be used wirelessly, but only available to a select few

For those wishing to be untethered when they use Android Auto in their cars, your prayers have been answered… sort of. There are a few caveats. One is that it only works with select Pixel and Nexus devices as well as specific head units that are Wi-Fi-certified. The smartphones you need would be the Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Nexus 5, or the Nexus 6P. JVC and Kenwood have a few head units that are Wi-Fi-certified but a lot of these haven’t hit the market yet.

If you’re one of the select few that does have access to these devices, setup is pretty painless. You first have to connect your phone via USB to set the feature up. But once you’ve done that, you can connect your phone to your dash wirelessly the next time. Google says they do plan to support other phones in the future. So we’re keeping an eye out for that.

Source: Android Authority


It’s now easier to unlock phones when connected to Android Auto

Safety has been the main priority for Android Auto team right from the beginning. And while that’s all well and good, there are some features that don’t take into consideration common uses while on the road. One of them is that users are basically locked out of their devices when connected to Android Auto. But a common complaint about this is that a lot of drivers will hand their smartphones for passengers to use the phones. This method is definitely faster and safer than the driver having to use voice commands on the phone. Thankfully, Google has included a Swipe to unlock feature to make it easier to use these devices normally. It’s available for version 2.9 and 3.0 and is already confirmed to be working inside a connected car that’s in motion. Of course, we still advise you to drive safely and responsibly and don’t attempt to use your phone while driving. Pull over and then use your smartphone.

Source: Android Police


Android Auto tweaks user interface a bit with rounded icons

A minor update came to Android Auto recently outside of last month’s design refresh. This time, Google has rounded off the corners to its icons. Twitter user Derek Ross spotted the change where he saw almost every box on the home page and app switcher with round corners. It now resembles the look of your Google Feed, which is perhaps Google’s way of uniting its UI across its different platforms. This new look is rolling out to Android Auto now, so you might see the change head your way soon.

Source: 9to5Google

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