Entries in Canada (1843)


Kobo Glo HD offers highest resolution screen for eReader for $129.99

Kobo announced its latest eReader, the Kobo Glo HD which offers the highest resolution screen available on the market, at the lowest price. It’s a light and ultimately portable way to carry an entire library of up to 3,000 eBooks.

With a 300ppi (pixel per inch) screen that delivers the clearest print-on-paper experience, a suggested retail price, easy registration, and a concierge service, the Kobo Glo HD is a great option for both print booklovers considering eReading and digital enthusiasts alike.

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QardioArm blood pressure monitor to work seamlessly with Apple Watch

QardioArm blood pressure monitors work seamlessly together with the Apple Watch, allowing users to take blood pressure measurements and monitor loved ones with the touch of a single button right off their wrist. Your blood pressure and heart rate data history are viewable at a glance, making heart monitoring even more effortless.

QardioArm was the first medical device with HealthKit integration available on the App Store, and is now the first blood pressure monitor to announce Apple Watch support. QardioArm is the only media device you can purchase with a single touch using Apple Pay.

“Qardio’s vision is centered on making health and wellness monitoring easier. Apple Watch makes wearable computing part of our everyday life and offers to Qardio and its users a fantastic additional interface to make heart monitoring even simpler and less conspicuous," commented Marco Peluso, the CEO of Qardio, Inc. 

The Qardio App with support for Apple Watch will be available on launch.



Surface Pro 3 ad highlights benefits of the Surface Pen

Microsoft's bestselling Surface Pro 3 hybrid seems to be gaining momentum in terms of popularity and increased functionality. One of the key features of the Surface Pro 3 (and the upcoming Surface 3) is the Surface Pen and its various features and capabilities. The video above speaks for itself and shows that some users can really extend functionality with the Surface Pen.


Review: Muse brain sensing headband

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Most wearables today are focused  activity trackers positioned to measure and evaluate a user’s progress and performance. Muse has created a wearable that takes a different approach and aims to help user’s to gain mental relaxation and calmness. 

I was at first skeptical of the Muse Brain sensing headband because I thought it was something people would have to wear all the time (like smartwatches and fitness trackers) but Muse’s approach is different, it deliberately requires time to set up and use, plus it focuses not on physical activity but on brain activity.

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