Entries in Facebook (371)


Facebook photo features you must be using

Uploading photos on Facebook is a rather easy affair. But are you making the most of the experience? The people behind Facebook suggest photo features you should be using on the social network.

Select your audience

You can tailor-fit your image posts to a specific group of friends on Facebook. Select the drop down menu the right hand corner of the album to pick who can view a set of photos, including ‘Friends’, ‘Public’, ‘Custom’, or ‘Only Me’. You can even do this to individual images by selecting the audience selector tool beside the post button.

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Facebook drops the ax on Messenger for Windows

Facebook decided to withdraw support for Messenger for Windows starting March 3. PCWorld reports the social networking service did not divulge its reason for pulling support for the app. Facebook users on Windows though can still access messaging features on Facebook’s site. The messenger app is barely two years old and had been well-received by Windows users with over half of the ratings worth five stars.

But Facebook is pushing through with plans developing Messenger for Windows Phone. Perhaps, this is the social network’s way of transitioning to mobile.


WhatsApp to include voice capability

Facebook’s recent acquisition, WhatsApp Inc., plans to include voice functionality into the application in the second quarter of 2014. WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum said at Mobile World Congress the feature will be available first on Android and iOS devices and then Windows and BlackBerry.

“We want to make sure people always have the ability to stay in touch and call their friends, families and loved ones and do it easily and affordably,” Koum said.

Source: Toronto Star


Facebook Messenger to arrive on Windows Phone platform ‘soon’

Microsoft is working hard to play catch-up with the top apps on the other mobile operating systems. Aside from announcing new hardware partners, Microsoft said Facebook’s chat app Messenger will also be coming to Windows Phone soon. Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore did not specify the timeline but it is “coming soon.” While there is already the messaging feature built into the native Facebook app, the Messenger app offers a broader set of features such as the popular “stickers.”

Source: The Verge