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Good Morning, Vietnam!

It's been a hell of a year for Apple product leaks. From the infamous iPhone 4G/HD lost/stolen/found/sold in California to the recent slew of product 'reveals' coming out of the most unlikely sources in Vietnam. Now, the company known for ironclad secrecy is faced with an interesting challenge on how to lock-down leaks in a country that's far and away.

There's always been lot of public interest in Apple products before they are revealed. Just consider how speculative blogs and websites generate insane amounts of traffic by fielding blurry-cam photos, artist renderings and poorly executed Photoshop mockups to sate consumer curiosity. More often than not, the specs and photos are inaccurate with Apple revealing the actual products to be quite different from the purported leaks.

Things have really changed. Not only do we have clear photos, videos, accurate specs and unboxing features coming out of Vietnam. The products revealed are dead on accurate and are usually revealed by Apple within days. So what's going on in Vietnam? Has Apple moved some of its manufacturing there? That's quite possible since a number of the big reveals are prototype products. The website is Tinhte.vn Lets look at the recent leaks.


  • The 4th Gen iPhone a bit different from the lost/stolen/found/sold/ bought in California



  • The new polycarbonate MacBook revealed a week ahead of its silent release



  • A new iPod Touch prototype with a 2 Megapixel rear camera revealed just today


Its surprising how fearless and cavalier they are about revealing the information and the features of the devices. We're curious about how they got access to the prototypes and how they've received products ahead of schedule. This is as fascinating as it is strange and we will continue to follow developments in this area.

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