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BlackBerry and Kik messenger finally decide to play nice

After almost three years of back and forth legal banter, Waterloo-based BlackBerry (then RIM when dispute was filed) and Waterloo-based Kik messenger have finally settled their long-standing instant messenger dispute.

Although no word on settlement or how this will play out now for Kik, it puts to rest the patent infringement case that was filed back in 2010 when Kik launched their popular messenger service which - to this day - feels a lot like BlackBerry's famed BBM.

We reached out to Kik's founder and CEO Ted Livingston for comment and here is what he had to say:

"Its a tough subject that I can't say much on. Appreciate you asking though!"

Could this mean a future for Kik on BlackBerry 10? Unlikely. I think it was more about long term legal fees than anything. Stay tuned for more

via The Globe

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