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Swift response: Apple to pay artists during Music trial period

Apple has reconsidered its initial approach to the Apple Music trial period after Taylor Swift wrote an open letter imploring Apple to pay musicians for their music during the three-month trial period that the new music service will be available for free.

Apple's Eddie Cue, who heads up the Music initiative, responded to Swift via Twitter saying that the company heard what she had to say and they have decided to pay musicians for streaming even during the customer's trial period.

While this doesn't affect users of the service, which is set to kick off in the US on June 30, it might lead to artists like Swift to offer their latest albums and music exclusives since this will allow wider exposure.

Apple Music will launch with iOS 8.4, it is expected to be made available in Canada shortly after that although exactly when and for how much hasn't yet been released. We wrote an Overview of Apple Music which aims to explain what the service offers and what it is trying to achieve. As for Taylor Swift, she seems satisfied, "I am elated and relieved. Thank you for your words of support today. They listened to us," the pop star Tweeted later on.

Stay tuned as the story develops.


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