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Apple iPhone 7 sales might be affected by its older brothers

While the Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are solid devices, it seems they’re under threat by their own older siblings. Ahead of Apple’s release of its quarterly results, some Wall Street analysts predict that the iPhone 6 and 6s pulled down the average selling price of the current Apple flagship phones during the holiday season. And that could hurt the overall results of the company for the quarter.

“Recent smartphone customers increasingly are opting for the iPhone 6s,” Barclays analyst Mark Moskowitz warned investors this week as he downgraded his recommendation on Apple stock to hold. “We detect increasing concern among industry participants that smartphones in general have evolved technologically to become more than good enough to serve most users’ digital needs over multiple years or until the device breaks.”

With the iPhone 7 looking nearly identical to its predecessor, it has gotten flak for it. It’s the first time Apple has released an iPhone after the “s” iteration that didn’t have a new design. It’s been speculated that people were okay with holding on to the older generation model for good specs at a cheaper price. Some also speculate that people are holding out for the 10th-anniversary iPhone coming out this year, which is said to feature a complete redesign.

Source: BGR

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