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Atari is back with a retro-fantastic new console offering old games

In case you haven't noticed, retro-graming has become a phenomenon. Nintendo has managed to make a cash-grab by reintroducing mini versions of its NES Classic edition and Famicon Mini products which bring old 16-bit games to modern HDTVs. 

There's nothing more retro than Atari when it comes to gaming. While the company has kept mum and more or less lived off its legacy, there's a new console called the Ataribox which will offer all the old school goodness to nostalgic gamers. Ataribox video game console will deliver classic games, like the NES Classic. Plus some new games.

“Our objective is to create a new product that stays true to our heritage while appealing to both old and new fans of Atari,” a Atari email newsletter (obtained via Kotaku) reads. “Inspired by classic Atari design elements (such as the iconic use of wood, ribbed lines, and raised back); we are creating a smooth design, with ribs that flow seamlessly all around the body of the product, a front panel that can be either wood or glass, a front facing logo, indicator lights that glow through the material, and an array of new ports (HDMI, 4xUSB, SD). We intend to release two editions: a wood edition, and a black/red edition.”

Pricing, availability and other details have yet to be released, but based on Nintendo's success reselling its old games, Atari stands to profit from its Ataribox.

Source: Thurrott.com

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