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Google will automatically delete your Android backups without notice after two months of inactivity

This bit of news isn’t actually new information but it might be something you aren’t aware of. Your Android backups of a specific unused device will be deleted from Google's servers after two months of inactivity. The worst part is you won’t get a notification that this is happening and your data and settings can’t be restored. These backups will only be retained “as long as you use your device.” For those unused devices, Google Drive will show an expiration date below the file after two weeks of the device going unused. We assume that will reset once you use the device.

This isn’t an abnormal practice for storage companies but Google must work on warning its users about this. A Reddit user learned this the hard way and he laments how he wasn’t given a warning by Google or even given the option to use the Drive storage he pays for as a backup option. 

Source: The Verge

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