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Apple AirPods can act like basic hearing aids with this feature


Apple has prided itself in being able to integrate accessibility features into its products. One hidden feature available in AirPods will turn these accessories into a basic hearing aid. Called Live Listen, the feature uses the mic on your iPhone to pick up what’s being said around you and then feeds the audio right into your AirPods. So, you can place your iPhone near the person you’re talking to and catch what they’re saying easily. 

You can access Live Listen through the settings on your iPhone. Head to Control Center and then Customize Controls. Tap on the green + button next to Hearing and add this to your control center list. To use it, swipe down from the top-right of the screen while in the home screen on an iPhone X or newer or swipe from the bottom on older iPhones to get to the ear icon. Make sure you’re wearing your AirPods. From there, tap on the Live Listen option. 

Source: CNBC

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