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Apple reportedly hoping to launch a 16-inch MacBook Pro

Apple might make a supersized MacBook Pro for professionals or students wanting a maximum sized portable Mac along with a 31-inch 6K monitor. There's a contingent of users who have been desiring both these products and it sounds as if Apple is open to generating more profit via diversified product lines.

Apple used to make a 17-inch MacBook Pro which many users lovingly referred to as the 'cafeteria tray' but a new 16-inch model will likely be thinner, lighter and with a much improved Retina Display. Following industry trends with bezel-less and edge-to-edge panels, Apple could give users 'a 17-inch laptop in a 15 or 16-inch body. This would be an ideal portable for coders,professional photographers, video editors and anyone wanting a big Mac laptop.

Source: Engadget

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