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Samsung aims to be the first manufacturer to bring 5G devices into Canada

The Samsung Galaxy S20 will reportedly sport this design. There are 5G versions of the phone expected to launch. Will this be what Samsung brings into Canada?

Samsung is hoping to get a jump over its competition when it comes to 5G devices. The company told MobileSyrup that it plans to be a "5G leader in Canada." According to Jennifer Safruk, vice president of Samsung Canada's mobile division, "Being the first to put 5G in consumers' hands is one of the ways Samsung will do that."

The statement comes after Rogers CEO Joe Natale said the carrier concluded testing on "Canada's first 5G device from Samsung, which will become available in March." We could assume this is one of the new Galaxy S20 devices. Our wait isn't going to be that long, but we'll keep you posted for any updates.

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