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Microsoft Xbox Series S design, price gets announced

Microsoft has responded to leaks about the Xbox Series S and showed off the next-generation console, which has the smallest form factor yet. The more affordable Xbox Series X is priced at US$299 (around CA$393). Microsoft plans to share more details "soon." According to Windows Centralthe retail price will supposedly come with a US$25 (approx. CA$33) Xbox All Access financing option, which the company reportedly will push via different retailers and through a massive global rollout. 

The leaks released earlier showed that the Xbox Series S is small enough to fit inside an Xbox Series X. It might be roughly as powerful as the Xbox One X. This console and the more powerful Xbox Series X will reportedly launch on November 10. The Series X is also rumoured to be priced at US$499 (roughly CA$656) with a US$35 (around CA$46) Xbox All Access financing option.

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