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Pamela Anderson promises to 'tell the real story' on upcoming Netflix documentary

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Canadian-American actress, model, and activist Pamela Anderson promotes an upcoming documentary of her life on Netflix. The streaming service announced its yet-to-be-named documentary a month after Hulu's Pam & Tommy limited series debut. Entertainment Weekly claims that Anderson vowed to never watch the series, which focused on her short marriage with Tommy Lee and the theft and illegal distribution of their sex tape. That series wasn't created with the involvement or permission of the actress. 

But this Netflix film gets her blessing. She even posted a handwritten note on Instagram promoting the project, saying, "Not a victim, but a survivor and alive to tell the real story." You can expect to see interviews with Anderson and previously unreleased archival footage and journals, with the pop culture icon ready to "set the record straight." The movie will be directed by Ryan White (The Keepers) and paint an "intimate portrait" of her.

Hulu's series was based on a 2014 Rolling Stone article and fictionalized parts of actual events. Anderson's camp reportedly took issue with Hulu using clips from the actual sex tape.


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