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Analyst predicts iPhone 16 models will have 8GB RAM, Wi-Fi 6E, and a faster 5G modem

Image: Apple

Apple will upgrade the RAM on its iPhone 16 models to 8GB, at least according to analyst Jeff Pu. If true, this change is a significant improvement over the 6GB RAM on the iPhone 15 models. Pu’s research note also reveals that the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus will supposedly support Wi-Fi 6E, a feature that was exclusive to the iPhone 15 Pro models.

Meanwhile, the iPhone 16 Pro models will reportedly also have a new Qualcomm Snapdragon X75 5G modem, which is faster and more power-efficient than the X70 modem used in the iPhone 15 series. However, the X75 modem will be reserved for the Pro models, while the regular iPhone 16 models will stick with the X70 modem.


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