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Microsoft tests app ads in Windows 11 Start menu

The red box highlights the ad (Image: Microsoft)

Microsoft is testing a controversial feature: ads within the Windows 11 Start menu. These ads, disguised as "app suggestions," will appear in the "Recommended" section alongside recently used files.

Currently, only US-based Windows Insiders in the Beta Channel see these ads, and they're disabled on organization-managed devices. However, the ads are enabled by default, which might not sit well with users.

The good news: users can disable these app promotions in Settings. The even better news: Microsoft actively seeks feedback. If enough testers dislike the ads, they might disappear before the final release of Windows 11.

This isn't Microsoft's first foray into in-OS advertising. They previously tested ads in File Explorer (later scrapped) and continue to use promotional spots on Windows 10.

Will these Start menu ads become a permanent fixture? The answer lies with Windows Insiders. Their feedback will determine if Microsoft integrates them into the final Windows 11 release.


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