Entries in 2016 (14)


The Apple Beat: 7 Takeaways from Apple’s iPhone 7 launch event

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
We have new iPhone’s, shiny new Apple Watches and big decisions to face regarding the loss of the headphone jack, adopting AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones,and Mario is finally coming to iOS.
The two hour launch event was packed tight with announcements, updates and insights into Apple and its products. We know all the highlights by now, but here are 7 takeaways that I observed during the event in no particular order.

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Apple WWDC 2016 reveals macOS Sierra, watchOS 3, iOS 10 in software-focused event

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple focused on macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS the four pillars of its software platform for 2016's World Wide Developer's Conference. The 27th yearly developer event was held at the Bill Graham Auditorium in San Francisco kicked off with Apple CEO Tim Cook condemning the terrorist attack in Orlando and then segueing to the business at hand. WWDC has 5000 total attendees from 74 countries.

Cook didn't run down the numbers or talk about sales, device adoption which are staples of his keynotes. Instead he gave up the stage to various Apple Executives to introduce the new features. Hit jump for a hot take on what was revealed.


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First Look: Moto G Plus

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Motorola Moto G has always been the puckish upstart, a mid-range smartphone that challenged and defied conventions by giving users some of the best features of premium smartphones (4G data, 720p HD display, long battery life, water resistance, microSD expansion) and placed it in an attractive package and price.

The fourth generation of the Moto G, which comes to Canada in two flavours including the Moto G Plus which we're checking out here, has definitely grown up and I don't mean just in size. 

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Best Buy integrates interior design and the latest smart home technology at National Home Show 

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Toronto - The 2016 National Home Show kicks off this weekend and while the cavernous halls of the Enercare Centre  at the Exhibition Place in Toronto were packed with furnishings, appliances and all types of home and garden related products, Best Buy Canada's Smart Home drew a lot of attention.

Simulating a typical home, Best Buy Canada collaborated with interior designer Christine Dovey who integrated tasteful and comfortable home interiors with the latest in wireless technology, smart appliances, wireless lighting and control and even a Samsung smart fridge which had a built-in touchscreen.

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