Entries in Alex Gibney (1)


Alex Gibney's "Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine" documentary is coming in September

Steve Jobs' life and work, as well as the incredible trajectory of his success, will continue to be mined and expounded on as a source for movies and documentaries. While an early look at Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic (starring Michael Fassbender) looks a little too Hollywood, Alex Gibney's Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine, documentary (which drops on September 4th) takes a more incisive look at the life and work of Steve Jobs but seems to dwell on personal and past relationships.
Judging from the trailer, none of the source footage is new and has been derived from various video intervies of Jobs through the years. There are some interviews of former friends and colleagues, It is doubtful that there will be any earth shattering revelations to Jobs' life and times but it will be interesting to see how everything is put together by Gibney.