Entries in BayStreet (1)


Research firm claims only 5,000 units of the Essential Phone have been sold in the US

First Look at the Essential Phone

The Essential Phone doesn’t seem to be doing so well, if we are to base it on this new report from research firm BayStreet. The company, which tracks phone shipments in the US, found that only 5,000 Essential Phone units have been sold since its launch. That seems unthinkable for a company that has been valued at around US$1.2 billion. But this might be due to the fact that the phone was supposed to come out back in June and only started shipping this month, plus its premium price tag might have brought consumers to other flagships that offered more. In the US, it’s exclusive through Sprint but there are unlocked models available on Best Buy and Essential’s online site. Here in the country it’s exclusive through TELUS and we don’t have the figures yet of how much they’ve sold here.

Source: Phone Arena