Entries in Bell (127)


Telus announces data plan for iPad 3G+WiFi

Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Following the footsteps of Rogers and Bell, Telus revealed  recently its offer for a specific data plan for the microSIM toting  Apple iPad 3G+WiFi tablets. Telus' singular data plan is 500MB for $20 which differs from Rogers and Bell's two plan strategy at 250MB for $15 and 5GB for $35 a month.

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Breaking News: Bell announces iPad 3G+WiFi plans in Canada



Bell today announced it will offer dedicated data plans for iPad with Wi-Fi +3G in Canada, beginning May 28. All data plans will be available without a  contract, providing the freedom to activate or cancel a plan at any time. Plans  also include unlimited access to Bell Wi-Fi hotspots in Canada, including 700 Starbucks locations, at no additional cost.

Bell's data plans are identical to those revealed by rival Rogers last month.

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New Samsung Messenger targets text-happy teens

Updated on Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 5:17PM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Samsung's GT-B7330 Windows 6.5 smartphone  AKA the Omnia Pro is a well-built, poperly specced smartphone reminiscent of Palm’s Treo line  and RIM’s BlackBerry 9700. In terms of styling, it is conservative, a bit stodgy and clearly born and bred for the corporate world but is being pitched to text-happy tweeners and teenagers.

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WIND Mobile offers $150 porting credit to help Canadians make the switch  


On the heels of a study which revealed that WIND Mobile is the top-cited brand for consumers when considering a wireless switch, WIND has launched a$150 porting credit offer to assist Canadians to make a move to Canada's newest national provider.


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