Entries in better for health (2)


Counting Points: Reduce the guilt in guilty pleasures

Guilty pleasures usually make us feel good. However, too much of a good thing as we all know can be bad. This new healthcare app from Freecycle Germany called Counting Points wants to help you curb your bad habits and guilty pleasures without needing you to radically change your lifestyle.

Counting Points helps you start new better habits with an easy and fun to use points system. Each day you will be given fresh points to spend on any user-defined pleasure. Since you can’t spend beyond the points you’ve previously earned, this limits your consumption and hopefully reminds you to stop seeking the guilty pleasure. The app comes in both free and paid versions ($0.99) on iTunes, with the free version only capable of tracking one goal and the paid version capable of tracking up to four.


Standing desks for better health

Studies have shown that sitting at our desks hours on end is detrimental to our health. It seems that the human body wasn't made to sit on its ass all day and that doing so makes us fat and  is slowly killing us. One solution is to get a an adjustable standing desk like the Elevate Adjusta. With built in hydraulics that can convert the desk's height from regular to standing. This is an impressive solution that can even handle multiple monitors and a heavy desktop computer. The downside,  it costs around US $3,000.00, it definitely addresses the issue of sitting too long.

Sources: Lifehacker.com

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