Entries in BlackBerry (115)


BlackBerry services and devices proved reliable for hacked Sony employees

BlackBerry's enterprise-grade security enabled Sony executives to continue communicating even when internal systems and landlines went down - Photo by Gadjo C. Sevilla

While Sony Pictures was left reeling from the massive and instrusive hack which revealed a ton of inside information and even saw various movies leaking before they hit theaters, it seems the company relied on BlackBerry devices and services in the wake of the unprecedented hack. Sony apparently dug up old BlackBerry devices after networks and landlines went down in order to communicate and keep the business running.

Reports are sketchy, but it seems that while Sony's internal servers and systems were eviscerated by hackers, older BlackBerry Enterprise Servers were relied on to enable communication on older BlackBerry handsets. BlackBerry, which is attempting a slow but sure resurgence in enterprise, might benefit from this sudden surge in high-profile security breaches

Source: ZDNet


BlackBerry playing to its strengths with Boeing secure phone collaboration

Boeing is creating a super secure and self-destructing smartphone with BlackBerrys help. Called "Black", the device is being developed in conjunction with the resurgent Waterloo, On smartphone maker. BlackBerry president and CEO John Chen said "we're pleased to announce that Boeing is collaborating with BlackBerry to provide a secure mobile solution for Android devices utilizing our BES 12 platform."

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Live from the BlackBerry Classic launch event in New York

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

New York -It's a red-letter day for BlackBerry today as they are set to launch the widely anticipated BlackBerry Classic smartphone. We're on the ground in downtown New York where the main event is taking place while satellite launch events are taking place in Frankfurt, Germany as well as in Singapore.

The BlackBerry Classic is the latest device sporting the BB10 OS but it also features many key functionalities that BlackBerry users have loved for years, it returns the popular 'belt' as well as the trackpad, while maintaining the QWERTY keyboard that's been BlackBerry's trademark all along.

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SourceCode: For BlackBerry, all roads lead to NYC for Classic launch

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

BlackBerry is set to close the year by launching the BlackBerry Classic smartphone across various venues with the main event taking place in New York this Wednesday. What does BlackBerry hope to achieve with this device and more importantly, who is its desired audience?

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