Entries in Canada (1843)


Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer gives away major plot points

There are teasers for upcoming movies that help generate buzz and hype and there are trailers that give away too much. This seem to be the case with the Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer which seems to give too much information for a movie that's still three months away.

We see the first meeting of Clark Kent, a brooding Bruce Wayne and an irritating and not bald Lex Luthor. We get the gist of Batman's angst against Superman as well as a glimpse of their epic battle plus we see Doomsday and the first action sequence of Wonder Woman. The big surprise here is that Ben Affleck pull off Wayne/Batman quite nicely. Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor is a little grating and not at all like the cerebral and calculating Lex Luthor we all know, maybe he will grow into the role. 


Latest iPhone 6S ad is all about power

Apple's iPhone 6S ads are usually more about functionality than specs but the latest ad titled "Ridiculously Powerful," pulls no punches and shows the whole range of powerful applications that the iPhone 6S can handle. More than pure specs, which other smartphones may have more of, the iPhone 6S is really about maximizing the hardware and software's potential. The ad cycles through various apps such as running, speed tracking, games, smart home control , photos, video, music and ApplePay among others.

Google Play Music now offers free, ad supported service in Canada

Google Play Music offers Canadians access to 35 million songs now free but supported by ads

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Google Play Music just announced that they will now be offering a free, advertising supported option for their music streaming service starting today and will also discontinue Songza, a music service which Google acquired and will now be integrated into Google Play Music.

The music streaming industry is really becoming more competitive. RDIO filed for bankruptcy a week ago and its technology was bought by Pandora. Apple shut down Beats Music two days ago, maybe to ensure it doesn't cannibalize its Apple Music service. Google Play Music follows suit by making the service more accessible while ending Songza, which it bought last year for $15 million.

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Review: iPad Pro

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The iPad Pro shines as a large, powerful tablet that’s designed primarily for content creation, but which also delivers an unparalleled way to read content and watch videos and photos.

Easily one of the most anticipated products to come from Apple, the iPad Pro is clearly aimed to create a new niche for powerful iOS-enabled tablets that extend the initial focus on entertainment, content consumption and multi-touch, to a more creative and productivity focused place.

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