Entries in Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow (1)


‘Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow’ is coming to Android on June 29th

Fans of the animated TV show are in for a treat. The game Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow is coming to Android by the end of this month. It mixes everything from a city building sim, RPG, and adventure and it’ll be set in New New York and various planets and nebulas. Of course, it’ll give you a chance to interact with your favorite characters but in an entirely different story.

To promote the game, there will be animated shorts featuring Stephen Hawking, Bill Nye, George Takei, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. They’ll be talking heads with different stories each. Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow is coming on June 29th and you can pre-register on Google Play now.

Source: Droid Gamers