Entries in in-flight Wi-Fi (2)


Gogo offers cheaper ‘messaging pass’ for in-flight Wi-Fi

Just want to message people while you’re in transit? Gogo-enabled flights will start offering “messaging pass” for passengers to use messaging apps during flights for less than US$3. According to Gogo’s Chief Commercial Officer Ash ElDifrawi, “Our messaging pass is a low-bandwidth solution that is offered at a lower price point than our internet service, making it the perfect solution for passengers who simply want to exchange messages with other app users on the ground.”

Source: Mashable


Google lets you know if you’re on a Wi-Fi-ready flight

If you can’t stand being disconnected for a few hours while in transit or just want to be ready beforehand, Google’s Flight Search will let you know if you’re getting on a flight with Wi-Fi. The search giant partnered with Routehappy, a flight-rating service to provide you with the information. It also shows you if you’re provided with in-seat power outlets, seat type, and on-demand video. This is a good way to manage your expectations before your flight.

Source: Routehappy | Via: Engadget