Entries in robot cat (1)


Hasbro outs robot kitty for the elderly

Hasbro has a new line of life-like robotic companions designed to keep elderly company. The first pet/creature out of the Joy For All line is a robot kitty that purrs and meows rather realistically. It has soft fur made for petting and it exhibits cat-like motions. It has sensors that allow it to interact with the owner. For example, if you pet the cheek, it will nuzzle into your hand. If you stop interacting with the cat, it will “fall asleep” and be woken up when you touch it again. Perhaps this will help preserve the four 1.5v alkaline batteries it runs on. The robot kitty comes in Silver, Creamy White, and Orange Tabby colors. It retails at US$99.99.

Maybe you think it’s a bit silly and weird to have a robotic pet. But this can help provide a companion for those who need it and can’t have any living pets around them. Plus, it cuts down on the other hassles of pet ownership, such as food and care costs and messy litter boxes. Well, you do have batteries to spend on, if you wanted to point that out. It might be geared towards the seniors but this is probably something even kids will enjoy playing with.

Source: SlashGear