Entries in Stuxnet (2)


Video: 60 Minutes covers the dangerous effects of Stuxnet virus

Stuxnet is a virus that compromises critical hardware in nuclear power plants like the centifruge that maintains the balance of uranium. When deployed, Stuxnet can result in industrial sabotage and millions of dollars in losses. 60 minutes explored this particularly nasty form of malware and its implications.


SourceCode: Inside Next@Norton 2011 

Text and photos Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

San Francisco, CA- Next@Norton is an annual meeting and product showcase that covers the latest security threats and trends, Symantec's new products and directions as well as gives tech journalists a chance to have first-hand access to developers, engineers and product specialists. This year's event was held in the W Hotel in Downtown San Francisco. An extensive day-long meeting composed of presentations and Q&A sessions revealed a number of interesting trends in today's security landscape, here's some of what we learned.

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