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Nokia unveils Symbian "Anna" OS on X7 and E6 handsets

Nokia has spruced up the venerable Symbian OS and given it a number of visual and functional upgrades. This version – which has been referred to previously as PR2 – is now known as Symbian Anna. It comes with a faster browser, improved text input, fresh, new icons and the latest version of Ovi Maps. Symbian Anna will also be made available for owners of the Nokia N8, C7, C6-01 and E7 in the coming months.

Nokia released a refreshed lnterface for Symbian OS that dresses up the venerable OS for the times. This version – which has been referred to previously as PR2 – is now known as Symbian Anna. It comes with a faster browser, improved text input, fresh, new icons and the latest version of Ovi Maps. Symbian Anna will also be made available for owners of the Nokia N8, C7, C6-01 and E7 in the coming months.

For business users, the update also includes instant messaging with Microsoft Communicator Mobile, email enhancements that include full meeting request support and hardware-accelerated device encryption.

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