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Apple patches OS X security flaw with 10.9.2 update

Apple's released an update to OS X Mavericks which includes a patch for a particularly nasty security flaw that could lead to SSL-based man-in-the-middle attacks that leave a user's Mac or MacBook vulnerable. Apple earlier released an update to iOS to address a similar issue. Update 10.9.2 weighs in at around 769MB and adds a number of features as well such as the ability to make or receive FaceTime audio calls, improvements in Mail and Safari. If you're running Mavericks install this update sooner than later through Software Update. Hit jump for the full release notes. 

OS X 10.9.2 Release Notes 

The 10.9.2 update is recommended for all OS X Mavericks users and contains improvements to the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac.


This update:


• Adds the ability to make and receive FaceTime audio calls 

• Adds call waiting support for FaceTime audio and video calls

• Adds the ability to block incoming iMessages from individual senders

• Improves the accuracy of unread counts in Mail

• Resolves an issue that prevented Mail from receiving new messages from certain providers 

• Improves AutoFill compatibility in Safari

• Fixes an issue that may cause audio distortion on certain Macs

• Improves reliability when connecting to a file server using SMB2

• Fixes an issue that may cause VPN connections to disconnect

• Improves VoiceOver navigation in Mail and Finder


For detailed information about this update, please visit: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT6114

For detailed information about the security content of this update, please visit: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222

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