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Cannibal! The musical is as funny as you think it is


Last week I had the chance to catch the premier of Toronto's newest slapstick show, Cannibal! The Musical. Truth be told, if I learned anything from his previous gem, The Book of Mormon, South Park creator Trey Parker has a knack for creating outlandish work.

Directed by Chris Bond (think Evil Dead the musical) and running until March 8th at the Panasonic Theater at Yonge and Bloor, the show tells the hilarious, and (mostly) true story of Alferd Packer, the only person ever convicted of cannibalism in America. It's off-colour and absolutely amazing, especially for those watching with an open-minded sense of humour. I mean a very open mind; my wife wasn't as into the show as I was, solely based on the language and humor. 

One more thing: the musical introduced me to a new word that I can't seem to shake: Shpasoinkle. Its meaning? Who knows. It's funny and memorable; that's all that matters.

Learn more about the show and grab whatever tickets are left here

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