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Microsoft revamps Cortana for iOS

Following the revamp of Cortana on Android in December 2016, Microsoft is trying to connect with iOS users with the app’s update. The refreshed app is said to load faster and defaults into listening for your voice commands or questions. At the same time, there is a new Quick Actions feature that lets you tap a couple of buttons and have Cortana do things like create an alarm, tell a joke, or set a reminder. You don’t have to talk to Cortana now to do the simple things and, at the same time, it teaches users some of the things the app can do.

When you ask it questions now, it’ll provide you with a full page of answers. There is also a Google Now-like cards that display information such as news, weather, traffic, etc. Even the call and texting functions have been refreshed. When you want to call or text through Cortana, it’ll redirect you to iPhone’s dialer and the built-in messaging app.

Source: Apple Insider + PC World

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