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Apple's reportedly in the lead to turn Michael Lewis' book on FTX into a feature film

Apple might be one of the first to turn the story of the collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX crypto company into a movie. Rumour has it Apple is in the lead for a deal to turn an upcoming Michael Lewis book on Bankman-Fried and his company into a feature film. But it is also facing heavy competition from Netflix and Amazon.

Lewis has previously authored critically acclaimed books that have become notable and award-winning feature films (Moneyball, The Blind Side, and The Big Short). And he has spent the last six months following Bankman-Fried's every move, giving him a close-up look at the collapse of FTX. So, streaming rights are highly sought after. The deal is supposedly set to be valued in the "mid seven-figure range."


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