Entries in Blizzard (25)


'Diablo 3' introduces new single-player mode in final season

Image: Blizzard

Diablo 3 is getting a new single-player mode in its next major update. While many fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Diablo 4, the latest entry in the franchise, Diablo 3 still has some surprises in store for its loyal players. 

The new single-player mode is called Solo Self-Found and it will be available on the Diablo 3 test server starting August 15. In this mode, players can enjoy the game’s Adventure Mode and Campaign without multiplayer features. The only exception is the Rebirth feature, which allows players to reset their characters and start over. Solo Self-Found mode will also have its own leaderboard, where players can compete with others who play the same way.

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Blizzard announces Hardcore mode contest for 'Diablo IV'

Image: Blizzard

Diablo IV’s Hardcore mode challenges players to reach level 100 without dying—and rewards the first 1,000 who do it with a place on a statue of Lillith. Blizzard announced the contest in a tweet, saying: “Think you can cheat death? Reach level 100 on hardcore mode and tweet #Diablo4Hardcore with proof to have your username immortalized on a statue of Lilith.”

Hardcore mode is the ultimate test of skill in Diablo—one death means losing your character forever. But if you can survive the horrors of Diablo IV and reach the level cap, you can earn a permanent spot on the statue of the game’s main villain.

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'Diablo IV' test build leaks gameplay footage

Yes, there are more gameplay leaks to report today. This time, it's Blizzard's upcoming Diablo IV game. A Reddit user going by iV1rus0 noticed footage of the game appearing on a file-sharing website and shared the said link. It contains gameplay spread across two clips that clocked in at 43 minutes. 

They look like footage from a Discord stream. The videos are watermarked, denoting these are from a private test build. Computer-moduleated voices in the video claim the viewers are tuning into a Skyrim session even if it clearly shows that the footage is from an early build of a Diablo game. Blizzard hasn't responded to the leak, but then sent out a PR advertising a confidential closed-end game beta. Perhaps trying to soften the blow of the leak. Diablo IV doesn't have a concrete release date yet, but it's expected sometime in 2023. Hopefully, the leak won't impact its development.



'Overwatch 2' players can now get old gear from the old game

Source: Blizzard Entertainment

Ahead of the October 4 launch of Overwatch 2, Blizzard is giving players of the original Overwatch game a chance to get their old items. You get an opportunity to merge separate accounts to get all the in-game cosmetics or gear you've collected alongside the progress you've made. If you have multiple accounts on the same console, though, you can only merge one account. You can unlink a console account from your battle.net account, but you won't be able to add a new console account for an entire year. Here's a complete step-by-step on how to do that. 
