Entries in data storage (2)


Review: Toshiba Canvio AeroMobile Wireless SSD

Text and Photos by Simon Cohen

Small, light and powerful, this wireless hard drive manages to impress with great features and performance.

We’ve clearly hit a point in our technological evolution where we have begun to see the presence of wired connections (whether for data or for power) as an annoyance and not as a critical component of our gadgets.

We crave a life where all of our tech toys can talk to each other wirelessly and – dare we dream – charge themselves wirelessly too.

And while the wireless charging scenario is still a few years from becoming mainstream, wireless data is here and it is rapidly gaining a foothold amongst most of our devices.

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Microsoft to offer data storage outside of the U.S. for foreign customers

Microsoft wants to alleviate the concerns of its foreign clients about the U.S. National Security Agency’s monitoring of foreign citizens by offering the ability to store information on servers located outside of the U.S. According to Read Write, Microsoft wanted to implement the changes because of the NSA issue.

“People should have the ability to know whether their data are being subjected to the laws and access of governments in some other country and should have the ability to make an informed choice of where their data resides,” said Brad Smith, general counsel of Microsoft.