Entries in Google NotebookLM (2)


Google makes NotebookLM available to all US users

GIF: Google

NotebookLM is Google’s experimental app that uses AI to help you take notes. It is now available to all US users 18 years or older. It also has new features and uses Google’s Gemini Pro AI model for better document analysis and reasoning.

With NotebookLM, you can import documents and get summaries, key points, and answers to your questions. And now, you can also convert your notes into different formats, such as outlines, study guides, emails, newsletters, and more. NotebookLM will suggest the best format for you, or you can choose your own. 

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Google launches NotebookLM, an AI-first notetaking software

Image: Google

Google has launched NotebookLM, an "AI-first notebook" that uses a language model to help you understand and create content. NotebookLM works with your existing notes and sources and uses AI to generate summaries, questions, answers, and more. You can ask NotebookLM to help you with various tasks, such as writing a script, summarizing your documents, preparing a pitch deck, and more.

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