Entries in Microsoft (233)


Microsoft investing more than $1 million to help Quebec startups thrive

Microsoft Canada and LE CAMP Incubator & Accelerator in Quebec City announced a partnership that will see Microsoft invest more than a $1M in cash, product and business services to help grow the innovative startup ecosystem in Quebec.

"It is with great pride that I celebrate this partnership between Microsoft and LE CAMP today; it will fuel innovation and the creation of new businesses in Quebec City,” said Quebec City Mayor Régis Labeaume. “The mentorship provided will offer a solid foundation for the entrepreneurial startups at CAMP. It is not surprising that Microsoft chose Québec City for this partnership. Our city has an abundance of highly skilled tech talent and a critical mass of businesses in this sector."

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Microsoft's new ad dismisses iPads, tells grandmas to get Surface Go for Christmas instead

The ad is sweet but burns deeply. A 10-year-old girl implores her grandmother not to buy the iPad because while that was okay when she was 6, it's not anymore because she is 10 and needs a 'real computer.' The girl continues singing praises for all the world-changing things a Surface can do. This shows how competitive the 2-in-1 tablet market has become in the consumer space. As tablets continue to attempt to replace laptops, we will continue to see more of this type of advertising. Microsoft's latest ad seems to be a response to Apple's "What's a Computer," iPad Pro ad from more than a year ago. 



Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen passes away at 65

Paul Allen, founder of Microsoft and technology innovator, philantrophist and sports team owner passed away today at age 65 from non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Allen co-founded Microsoft in 1975 with Bill Gates and is credited for having named the company. Hel later left Microsoft because of serious illness but recovered. Allen went on to become a billionaire investor, famously owning teams like the Portland Trailblazers, the Seatle Seahawks, The Seattle Sounders FC. He also made significant cultural investments and founded the Museum of Pop Culture. Allen has granted over $2 billion to philantrophic causes.

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Guide to the best sites for back to school shopping

By Sonya Davison

It’s the beginning of August and it suddently hit me, I have one kid going off to university and one off to high school. Whelp. Yes, I know we’re at mid-point of summer vacation and while I really don’t want to rush things, I'm seriously getting the case of FOMO. Back to school shopping has begun (and even done) with some families I know. Cue the tears...mine. Particularly for the university-bound kid who’s all of the sudden seems waaaay more grown up. The boy that had me carry a purse load of Hot Wheels is now driving himself and soon he'll be one of the thousands that will be moving into residence at the beginning of September.

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