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Samsung gains advantage in court case against Apple, can now sell Galaxy Tab in Australia

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

After a bitter and public lawsuit, it looks like Samsung managed a victory and might be able to sell its Galaxy Tab device in time for the holiday shopping season in Oz. The Australian court today overturned an earlier ruling that sided with Apple's allegations Samsung had copied its iPad and iPhone.

The ruling Wednesday said evidence fails to show that the Galaxy tablet infringes Apple's touch screen patent and that Apple Inc. would be unlikely to win if the case went to a trial. It blasted the earlier decision in Apple's favor as "clearly wrong."

Just to recap, it was in October that Federal Court Justice Annabelle Bennett granted Apple's request for a temporary injunction against Australian sales of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1. This effectively barred Samsung from selling the device in that country in its current form.

In a statement, Samsung said it was pleased with the court's decision and said it would soon announce when the Galaxy would be available in Australia. "We believe the ruling clearly affirms that Apple's legal claims lack merit," a Samsung representative said. Samsung and Apple are locked in various patent infringement lawsuits in up to 10 countries.

Source: The Huffington Post


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