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TaskLab offers utilitarian iPhone cases

TaskLab is bringing new utilitarian cases that can turn your iPhone into a true all-in-one device. The TaskOne G3 packs in 22 440C hardened stainless steel tools, universal saw blade mount, and two kick stands. It is built with aircraft-aluminum and polycarbonate material to make sure the case can withstand damage, falls and scratches. Think of it as MacGyver's iPhone case.

Meanwhile, the myTask line caters to specific city needs. The cycling enthusiast or bike commuter can opt to use the myTask Bike. It comes with 22 hardened steel bicycle-specific tools as well as a four-piece tire patch kit.

For the city dwellers/professionals, the myTask Urban comes with an accessory tray that houses an 8GB USB stick, mirror, tweezers, bottle opener, 2-inch scissors, pen, and a mini-LED light. 

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    TaskLab offers utilitarian iPhone cases - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
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    TaskLab offers utilitarian iPhone cases - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
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    TaskLab offers utilitarian iPhone cases - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective

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