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Lumia 1020 not getting the upcoming 'Denim' update, new camera features

Some bad news for Lumia 1020 owners hoping to keep their 41-megapixel Windows Phone current. It seems Microsoft will not be providing an update to the latest 'Denim' firmware update which means these older photo-centric Lumias will not be able to enjoy the latest camera features that are part and parcel of the Denim update.

The issue is that the hardware is too old to be updated. The Lumia 1020 is still one of the best cameras (in a phone or not) out there and many users will likely keep their device, even if just for making pictures.

Microsoft is expected to release news of Windows 10 for Phones on January on January 21st so we will see if a new Lumia 1020 successor is in the works.

Source: Phonearena.com

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