Entries in Capcom (20)


The 'Resident Evil Village' VR mode will launch with the Sony PSVR2 as a free update

Source: Capcom

Get ready to scare yourself in virtual reality with Resident Evil Village's VR mode, which will launch alongside the PlayStation VR 2 in February. According to Capcom, it'll be a free update for owners of the game. You can play the game's entire campaign in virtual reality and use the PSVR2's new Sense controllers. But you won't be able to use it for the more arcade-y Mercenaries mode or the recently-released story expansion Shadows of Rose. The PSVR2 is launching on February 22, 2023.



'Street Fighter 6' to get 2nd closed beta test in Dec. 2022

Source: CapcomStreet Fighter 6 is about to enter its second closed beta test this month, with plans to put its multiplayer component to the test. Those who took part in the first beta test get to join this second test automatically. This next round of beta tests will take place on December 16 to 19. And you can register now until December 11 on the game's website. The test will be available on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam. You should get a confirmation by December 14 if you've been selected to be part of the test. Those who participate will get a special in-game title when it gets fully released.

The second closed beta test will incorporate everything from the first test, but with the addition of features like the option to reduce controller input delay.



'Street Fighter 6' lets you create custom characters

If you don't want to play any of the classic Street Fighter characters, you'll be happy to hear Capcom is giving you the option to customize your character in Street Fighter 6. This customizable character is playable in both the single-player and multiplayer modes. You can change everything from height, skin tone, age, eye colour, and clothes/costume.

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'Dragon's Dogma' RPG to get a sequel

Capcom is reviving a cult RPG game, which its loyal fans will be happy to hear. The developer confirmed that the sequel to Dragon's Dogma is coming. It was announced as part of a live stream celebrating the original's 10th anniversary. Beyond sharing the name and logo, we don't know much about the sequel. It probably won't arrive anytime soon. The first game had flaws, with an awkward interface and so-so open-world experience. But as Engadget pointed out, it had a wild story paired with enjoyable content and extensive customization.