Entries in iOS (447)


Find notes with hashtags on Letterspace

There are a lot of note-taking apps but can yours do searches with hashtags? Letterspace, a note-taking app for Mac and iOS, lets you organize your notes by placing hashtags inside your notes. This will make it easier to search for them at a later date. You can also @mention people so names will be searchable in the future. It is a simple yet probably easier way than the usual tagging system other apps have. Your notes also sync to iCloud so everything will be up-to-date on all devices. It might seem silly to place hashtags in notes though but you do them everywhere else so what’s one more app to do them on?

Source: The Next Web


The Recitator iOS app reads content for you, so you don't have to

Do you have a pile of text to read? Recitator is an iOS app that takes your ebooks, pdfs and text files and reads them to you.

Recitator also saves the last text position. The next time you open a document you can continue listening at the same position. The app speaks EPUB, PDF and TXT files. You can use iTunes File Sharing or Dropbox to transfer the files.

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Amazon Prime members in Canada can enjoy unlimited Photo Storage 

Amazon today introduced Prime Photos for customers in Canada, providing free unlimited photo storage in Amazon Cloud Drive. Most people have a lifetime of birthdays, vacations, holidays, and everyday moments stored across numerous devices.  And, they continue to create billions of photos every year. Now, Prime, Amazon Student and Amazon Family members in Canada have a simple, secure place to store their photos -- all for free.

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Leaks of Google Calendar on iOS surface

If you’ve been jealous of your Android buddies over their redesigned Google Calendar, you might just have to wait a bit more before the new look comes your way. The Next Web got their hands on what seems to be leaked screenshots of the updated calendar app. From the looks of it, it seems similar to the Android version. Based on the screencaps, iOS users might be able to get features like being able to add map information right in the calendar. Of course, we can’t tell exactly what else the app might get until Google decides to update the app.

Source: The Next Web | Via: Ubergizmo