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2014 Gift Guide: Health and Wellness

By Sonya Davidson

We're into the thick of holiday season of good cheer, or as some of my friends call it, stretchy pants season. We're indulging a little more these days in food and drink. That's what the season is about -- spending time with friends and family. With this season some of us start thinking "in the New Year, I'll need to hit the gym more often," or "I'll need to figure out how to improve my health," and maybe even "I want to do things differently," to make this body function at optimal levels.  

So, while you're working on your holiday gift list, you may want to consider some of my favourite lifestyle ideas for you and the people you need to buy for. 


This is a well thought out dual purpose chair that offers the benefits of correcting posture while you're sitting a desk as well as the ability to do your favourite core and roll out exercises. The usual balance ball, often used in pilates classes, has been a consistent favourite make-shift chair for many people who work at a computer or desk.

GAIAM has taken that concept but added a frame so you have the benefits of the ball without it rolling away. Remove the ball from the frame and use it for exercises like crunches, sit ups, planks and more - it's way more fun than doing those on the floor!  The BalanceBall Chair also comes with a CD complete with great exercise instructions and air pump.

Since I'm at the computer ALOT I tested out this chair personally and love it. I used it for a month straight but then went back to my usual office chair for a couple of weeks.

This is where I noticed that the GAIAM BalanceBall Chair did live up to it's claims. My back was noticeably different when I switched off and I felt the difference.

I held a better posture on the GAIAM, gave my core a gentle workout without much effort even at seated position, and my shoulders and lower back weren't as sore when I was using it. Within a week of switching off the GAIAM the discomfort was noticeable. I've since switched back. The GAIAM BalanceBall Chair currently $99 at gaiam.ca  and definitely worth putting on your list. See full specs on their website. 



The winter months are long here and many people experience some seasonal blahs as the days get shorter. The dull grey skies and the cold weather makes us want to hibernate.

I've been testing out the Philips GoLITE BLU Energy Light Therapy for a few weeks and it's seems to help me get out of that sluggish feeling.

I've been setting it up each morning and exposing myself to the light for 30 minutes as I have my breakfast and read the paper.

The goLITE BLU offers similar exposure to a sunny day without the harmful UV rays so you get the benefits of optimal daylight safely. The exposure seems to also increase my energy level since coffee isn't doing it for me these days.

The goLITE BLU is compact, rechargeable and great for travel too - I would think it would help with jetlag as well. Use it anytime you feel the need for a close to natural energy boost. The Philips goLITE BLU Energy Light  HF3431/60 model is the latest entry to the line of popular therapy lights and is a sleeker design. Priced at $199 msrp. philips.com 



Juicing seems to be everywhere these days but getting the right machine for your home depends on your needs.

The benefits of fresh juices is great for all ages and anyone interested in maintaining a healthier lifestyle and it definitely tastes better than those sitting on a store shelf.

The Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Pro Juice Extractor (model 67608) not only provides the convenience of quick and easy fresh juice at home but it also delivers more juice and less pulp by separating the two... you can save the pulp for use in baking or cooking instead.

The extractor is powerful enough to take in larger chunks of fruits and vegetables pretty much eliminating the need to chop up ahead of tine. It's 1.1 horsepower motor with get through hard vegetables like carrots easily. Price: $79.99. Other models also available. hamiltonbeach.ca 



With all the lifestyle trackers out there this one stands out for me. The RUNTASTIC ORBIT works with compatible apps offered in the RUNTASTIC impressive library for your targeted activity needs and overall well-being from beginner to expert levels in many categories including running, walking, mountain biking, abs training and many more. Training for a marathon? This will help keep record of your progress.

Several "trainer" apps available for targeted work outs. Want to monitor your heart rates? It can also remind you to check every week.  

This 24-hour device helps monitor your overall activing to help you live a better and healthier lifestyle by tracking your daily routine and inspires you do go that extra step. It rewards you with a virtual trophy when you've accomplished your daily goals and will even give you a nudge if you've been idle for too long. Want to sleep better?

The latest Runtastic app offers this to help imporve your bedtime habits. There are even healthy lifestyle apps that help monitor calories and offer healthy diet tips and facts. The RUNTASTIC Orbit can be worn on the wrist or as a clip on option and connects via Bluetooth to your device. Various colour band options also available. runtastic.com 



If you'd rather give the gift of an epic experience to give someone an exhilirating energy boost, check out iFly Toronto indoor skydiving. Experience what it feels like to soar in the skies but without the risks. iFly offers on the spot training and orientation by professionals. Great family experience and almost all ages. Kids must be older than 4 years. Great for corporate events and for those who want to get a little outside their comfort zone. Trust me, you'll be smiling from ear-to-ear after accomplishing this. See iflytoronto.com for pricing and packages and other locations in the US. 

...and yes, this is me flying! 




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