Entries in Runtastic Orbit (2)


2014 Gift Guide: Health and Wellness

By Sonya Davidson

We're into the thick of holiday season of good cheer, or as some of my friends call it, stretchy pants season. We're indulging a little more these days in food and drink. That's what the season is about -- spending time with friends and family. With this season some of us start thinking "in the New Year, I'll need to hit the gym more often," or "I'll need to figure out how to improve my health," and maybe even "I want to do things differently," to make this body function at optimal levels.  

So, while you're working on your holiday gift list, you may want to consider some of my favourite lifestyle ideas for you and the people you need to buy for. 

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Review: Runtastic Orbit fitness tracking wearable

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The search for the perfect health and fitness tracker leads us to the Runtastic Orbit, a clever and durable wearable designed for 24-hour fitness tracking.

Before I tested the Runstastic Orbit, I was pretty invested in the Fitbit Flex ecosystem and while that tracker served me well for measuring steps and activity, I felt I needed something more. The Runstastic Orbit is slightly larger than the Fitbit Flex but it has a button for control as well as a display. These two features make all the difference.

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