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Disney gives a dying fan and his family an early screening of 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker'

Magician Sean Boon shares photo from the special screening

One Star Wars fan got to see the upcoming final film to the Star Wars saga. Disney CEO Robert Iger confirmed on Twitter that a British man with a terminal illness got to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker a few weeks ahead of its premiere. Rowans Hospice, in Hampshire, England, shared an image of a Disney representative who brought the film. The organization takes care of patients with life-limiting illnesses. Not much is known about the patient because he did not wish to be identified. But the whole thing started when Rowans Hospice employee Lisa Davies saw a Star Wars tattoo on the man's leg.

The patient saw the film with his two sons, wife, and two brothers. All of them had to sign a non-disclosure agreement before watching the movie on an iPad.

Source: CNET

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