Entries in patent (36)


Instagram patent shows it might charge a fee for links in captions

If this patent ever becomes an actual product feature, Instagram can charge its users a fee for adding links to photo captions. The patent application Instagram's parent company Facebook filed back in 2016, displays a pop-up that would appear when a user adds a URL to a caption. It asks you if you want to pay $2 to make the link live.

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Apple patent shows a Mac with a curved glass display

Apple has applied for a patent that shows a Mac with a curved glass display. The patent describes a wedge at the back of the desktop that houses its processing parts as well as props up the glass. Apple might also adjust the curved glass so you can fix the angle or fold the device shut. There's a slot at the bottom center of the device, which we presume is where you'll slide a keyboard in. There's a part in the patent that suggests this design could be used as a laptop dock instead of a computer.

If Apple pushes through with this design, we doubt this will be available anytime soon because, well, the tech isn't available yet. But it does give us a glimpse of some of the things the company might consider when it comes to designing its future products.

Source: Engadget 


Motorola patent suggest Razr-style foldable device with touch-sensitive sides

Motorola's take on the foldable phone might be getting another upgrade if the recently discovered patent filing is anything to go by.

It shows a clamshell form factor with a secondary screen on the outside, very similar to the recently launched foldable. But this time, the sides feature eight touch sensors that can work as virtual buttons to be pressed and swiped for different features. It can work differently and perform various functions depending on whether the phone is open or closed. There's a possibility of enabling up to 20 different gestures and features.

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Apple Watch patent shows possible addition of Touch ID

A recently discovered patent application hints at Apple Watch possibly getting in-display Touch ID for an additional level of security. The patent refers to "a touch sensing device, force-sensing device, temperature-sensing device, and/or fingerprint sensor" that can be placed behind the screen. It doesn't seem like a far off idea given that the Apple Watch already supports Apple Pay.

The patent describes having the wireless antennas on the watch moved to the strap so there will be room for more components under the screen. There is a caveat there, though. Moving components like Wi-Fi, cellular, and Bluetooth to the strap might affect its uses, given the wear and tear as well as the customizability Apple offers. But this is just a patent, so perhaps it might not see the light of day.

Source: TechRadar